$5,000 donated by Anonymous from Austin Community Foundation
$57 to GoDaddy to renew website and domain secutiry
-$26 - visa to India
$113 sent to AL-Hassan Baako in Tamale, Ghana - to make inquiries at the “witch camp” about what they need in services in 2024 and to send us a report. Photo above is Baako with children of the witches. Funds pay for transportation and time spent on the report.
$505 to Maiduguri Safe House - to roof a house six humanists will live in. Their faces are blurred in the photo above to protect their security. The humanists are happy to live together without pretending to be Muslim, and they get to avoid the 5 daily rituals.
$10 sent to pay Mubarak Bala for helping us find a Ghana partner
$68 - 4 x $17 a month — this is for November & December 2023 and March & April 2024
$78 to renew HGC post office in Canyon, California for one year
$46 spent on UPS postage to send envelope with asylum/visa information from an Afghan humanist-in-hiding to the Australian Embassy in Amman, Jordan. The cost indicated above was divided between two donors.
$56 for website renewal
$60 to Rishvin Ismath - he is the leader of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka but he is a fugitive hiding for his life in another nation. Funds were given to him for his food and rent.
$135 to Saliu Olumide Saheed for designing the logo for a HuMAN t-shirt, and for a large banner. This total also includes the cost of ordering 12 tshirts to print, and for silkscreening supplies - ink, take, emulsion.
$175 to pay fine for use of unauthorized image of Ugandan orphans
$92 to the Queer Hollow Duck Collective in Appalachia. Their goal is to build a functioning duck farm.
Budget: $139.99 for 150 feet of chicken wire for the duck fencing, $20.00 for a meal worm tank, $27.00 for 2100 meal worms (breeding stock), $12.99 scratch grain bags every two weeks, $21.99 pellet bag every two weeks, $20.00 for fresh produce per month, $24.46 for 8 pounds of hemp bedding
Benefits to community: 1) There is a severe lack of safe spaces for Queer people to exist outside of overpriced cities and college towns. We are the throwaway kids the Pride Parade left behind but we feel we have every right to live as free and rural as our straight neighbors. 2) We need to build our own resources so we can stand tall and join the rural economy of trade and barter. We also need a place to breath fresh air and commune with nature without being harassed. The benefit is Freedom
$96 for email service
$50 to Women With Bows - Pomo (Native American) mutual aid group dedicated to land & water defense & protecting girls from trafficking
-$50 to send letter for asylum in Australia from Brazil to USA to Jordan — Andreas Loeb in Brazil was repaid for his expenses
$42 to mail HGC postcards and patches to Dan Beaton in London, and to buy postage stamps
$48 for a megaphone for activist group Triple Justice in Berkeley (climate action group) It will also be shared with other groups
$14 for Facebook promotion of GoFundMe for 10 Nigeria women accused of witchcraft
$50 - purchase of new domain name - theHuMAN.team for one year
$78 for round-trip ticket from San Francisco to New Delhi to visit projects in Sri Lanka and Nepal (this is part of a larger cost paid with travel funding)
$42 to Saliu Olumide Saheed in Nigeria to design a brochure for HGC fundraising
$2 to Squarespace to provide a new email address to us - hello@thehuman.team
$90 to Amanda Smith (HGC representative in Appalachia) to instruct Lucy Mlolwa on how to organize a Mutual Aid organization, using the manual Amanda wrote - this was done via Zoom discussions.
$39 for new business cards with the new nonprofit name on them
-$51 - Remitly wiring fees and Stripe fees for receiving and sending $500 from Atheism United to Nigeria Humanist Safe House Grocery (above)
$112 to Saliu Olumide Saheed, in Nigeria, for his assistance in investigating the corruption of an applicant from Zambia $40) for his help with book publishing services ($40) and for his assistance investigating the corruption of an applicant from Senegal ($32)
$59 for TracFone ($29) consultation $20) and SIM card $10) donated to Afghan refugee family in West Oakland, California
$90 to South Sound Street Medics in Tacoma, Washington. They are an indigenous-led group (Cherokee, Choctaw, Hopi) that provides medical care, medical training, and food and medical supplies to Indigenous communities in the USA and Canada.
$115 to Al Rowwad, a secular cultural organization in Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem,West Bank, Palestine - for children’s computer education
$10 for book on Indonesia written by HGC donor Shivaji Das
$5 sent to Tanzania Mutual Aid to provide food for their first meeting
-$22 - Flashdrive for HGC backup
-$500 administrative salary (10%) to HGC program director
$87 to Berea Earth Warriors (gardening collective) for providing free food to the HGC Appalachia Humanist Community Dinner for six months
$120 to begin construction of The Humanist House, a Safe House / Shelter in Minna, Nigeria, for non-religious Nigerians
$87 for March 2023 Appalachia Community Meal in Berea, Kentucky. The volunteers feed homeless and impoverished people.
$75 for Cesim Elcesim - a gay refugee from Syria who now lives in Istanbul. He needs HIV+ medication. The house he is from in Syria was destroyed in the recent earthquake. He needs money for food, rent, and medicine. Why did he became a humanist? Cesim: Because religions contradict my homosexuality, I separated myself from religion. This gives me peace, to live without fear of punishment.
$80 for tax preparation - 1099s to Hank Pellissier and Phil Zuckerman
$50 to file California Form 199
$127 for FlipTop phone and 6-month phone plan ($10/month) to be used solely for wire services like UseRemit, RIA, Xoom and WorldRemit
$50 to Bangladesh for child education. Tonoy Das is a 6 year old boy. His dad had drinking and gambling problems. His dad died 2 years ago due to liver failure because of heavy drinking. They lost all of their properties due to this. Tonoy needs money to continue his education.
$142 to Ikojtz Women’s Collective in Mexico for their Jam & Preserves Project - marketing traditional food to the public
$163 for May & June 2023 Appalachia Community Meal in Berea, Kentucky. The volunteers feed homeless and impoverished people.
$85 spent on Tax Preparation - 1099s
$126 for round trip ticket New Delhi - Kathmandu
$30 for hotel one night in New Delhi
$53 for Saliu Olumide Saheed assistance in retrieving crypto records
$100 for e-filing of 990-EZ tax form
$50 for filing 2023 annual Registration with CA Attorney General
-$20 - Statement of Information filed with California Secretary of State
$91 to Abdullahi Ashwar in Nigeria for his Rice business
$91 to Freeman Isah Rabiu in Nigeria for his Vegetable marketing