Project Report: Installation of Solar System for Charging Shop in N'Djamena, Chad

Executive Summary

In response to the increasing demand for sustainable and reliable power sources in N'Djamena, Chad, a solar power system was purchased and installed for a local charging shop. This initiative aimed to support the shop's operation by providing a clean and cost-effective
energy solution. The total investment for this project was $300. This report outlines the project's objectives, implementation process, outcomes, and recommendations.

Project Objectives

Enhance Power Reliability: Provide a consistent power supply to a local charging shop to support the community's electronic charging needs.

Promote Sustainability: Utilize renewable energy to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease the carbon footprint.

Support Local Economy: Improve the operational capacity of the charging shop, contributing to local business growth and job creation.

Location where it took place: City: N'Djamena, Chad

Investment Total Cost: $300

Equipment Purchased

Solar Panels: 1x 100W panels
Battery: 1 x 200Ah deep-cycle battery
Charge Controller: 1 x 20A
Inverter: 1 x 500W
Mounting Hardware and Accessories: Includes brackets, wiring, and connectors

Implementation Process

1. Planning and Preparation

Site Assessment: Evaluated the charging shop's location for optimal solar panel placement and sunlight exposure.

Budget Allocation: The $300 budget was allocated to purchase and install the solar components, ensuring cost-efficiency.

2. Equipment Purchase

Selection: Choose high-quality, cost-effective solar components based on performance and durability.

Procurement: Purchased from a reliable supplier, ensuring timely delivery and installation.

3. Installation

Site Preparation: Installed mounting brackets on the shop’s roof and ensured secure placement of solar panels.

System Setup: Connected the solar panels to the charge controller, battery, and inverter. Verified that all connections were secure and operational.

Testing: Conducted tests to ensure the system was functioning correctly and efficiently.

4. Training and Handover

Operator Training: Provided basic training to the shop owner on system operation and maintenance.

Documentation: Supplied the shop owner with manuals and contact information for technical support.


1. Power Reliability

The solar system has successfully provided a consistent and reliable power source for the charging shop, allowing uninterrupted service for customers.

2. Environmental Impact

By switching to solar energy, the shop has reduced its dependence on diesel generators, decreasing local air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Economic Benefits

The charging shop's operational efficiency has improved, potentially increasing revenue. The solar system's low maintenance requirements have also contributed to reduced operating costs.

Challenges and Solutions

1. Initial Cost

Challenge: The $300 budget was limited for high-capacity systems.

Solution: Focused on essential components and sought cost-effective yet reliable equipment.

2. Technical Issues

Challenge: Minor installation issues were encountered.

Solution: Provided on-site support and resolved issues promptly, ensuring the system’s proper functionality.


Regular Maintenance: Schedule periodic checks to ensure the system operates efficiently and address any potential issues early.

Community Awareness: Promote the benefits of solar energy to other local businesses and residents to encourage wider adoption.

Expansion: Consider scaling the system or adding additional panels in the future if the demand for charging services increases.


The installation of the solar power system for the charging shop in N'Djamena has proven to be a successful and impactful project. With a modest investment of $300, the project has enhanced the shop’s operational reliability, supported environmental sustainability, and
contributed to the local economy. Continued monitoring and community outreach are recommended to maximize the benefits of this solar initiative and foster broader adoption of renewable energy solutions in the region.