2024 Board of Directors Meeting - June 2

Attending: Karen Zelevinsky (Board President), Phil Zuckerman (Executive Directive), Susan Kuchinskas (Secretary), Jesse Smith (Vice President), Rick Thomas (co-Treasurer), Hank Pellissier (co-Treasurer, Program Director), Binyamin Biber (Board Member)

Meeting Starts at 10:00 am PST

Africa Humanism

Hank updates the directors on our relationships in Africa. In 2023, four humanist leaders in South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, and Zambia were angry at HuMAN. Two of them were recently de-funded by HuMAN for corruption; the other two were their allies. The furious foursome tried to “cancel” Hank and HuMAN with accusations and threats on Facebook. HuMAN was accused (ridiculously) of funding only selected favorites in our attempt to establish “cartels” to “take over Africa.” Hank also caused an uproar when he publicly accused one accuser as “mentally ill.” the entire attack, Hank explains at the Board meeting, ended when our primary foe - the South African humanist, died suddenly of a stroke. Our relationships in Africa have been positive and peaceful ever since. This is aided by the presence of of Saliu Olumide Saheed, of Nigeria, who is now assisting us as Africa Director.

Update on Partnerships

In Africa, HuMAN has solid partnerships in Uganda, Nigeria, Shad, Liberia, Mozambique, Niger Republic, Ghana, Malawi,Zimbabwe and Sierra Leone. Additionally, we have partners in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, The Philippines, UK and USA.

$2,000 Gift

Vicki Van Horn, a donor in Albuquerque, recently died and left us approximately $200,000. Hank explains that this amount is nearly impossible to spend quickly due to our maximum $300 allotment. For this reason, he asked multiple donors to not donate for 1-2 years. Several directors disagreed with this; they believe we should keep encouraging everyone to continue donating. Karen suggests we enlarge the $300 amount to accomplish larger projects. The group agrees with this, all also agrees that all donors should be encouraged to continue donating.

Activism & Fscal Sponsorship

Hank discusses the possibility of HuMAN supporting an “activist” group. The other directors don’t want to do this; they believe it is better to avoid taking sides on political issues, because it is possibly illegal and it would surely displease the donors with contrary political views. Hank also reports that HuMAN is fiscally-sponsoring three groups at this time: South Sound Street Medics (indigenous-run team in Washington State), Duck Farm Collective (LGBTQ+ Appalachian group), and Mega Mouth Rebels (Hank’s own activist group). Two of these groups promote specific political viewpoints. The HuMAN directors decide it would be best to discontinue our support of these groups, and also to not directly support an activist group, unless the projects directly mirror our own Mission, i.e., assisting humanists in need.


HGC Board Meeting 2023

May 20, 10-11 PST

Attending: Karen Zelvinsky, Phil Zuckerman, Cameo Wood, Hank Pellissier, Jesse Smith, Werner Haag, Omar Niage, Susan Kuchinskas

Karen Zelevinsky, Board President, introduces the meeting’s agenda.

Everyone introduces themselves.

Hank presents slide show depicting HGC’s 18 partners - two in Uganda, four in Nigeria, two in Zambia, two in India, two in Nepal, and one each in Chad, South Sudan, Bangladesh, Philippines, DR Congo, and Appalachia.

Hank talks about recent struggles with some African humanists, who are angry and “cancelling” him on Facebook - they are displeased for multiple reasons, generally stemming from his decisions in funding, not funding, or de-funding candidates.

The Board decides that Hank is targeted as HGC’s “face” and strategies are suggested and approved. A Selection Team will decide, in the future, how HGC funds are allocated, this team will look at proposals and determine who to fund and not fund. This will relieve Hank of the sole responsibility.

A Director of African Humanism has already been appointed to review African grant proposals - Saliu Olumide Saheed (he is currently the Minna Safe House director).

The Selection Team will confer regularly to determine who gets funded and who does not.

Moving on, the Board discusses and approves of Hank’s idea to move funding towards Mutual Aid groups and Community Service groups. There is brief discussion of changing the nonprofit’s name.

The Board discusses possible trips together - Nepal is mentioned and there is interest.