1. We only fund our Partners. For information about becoming a Partner, read THIS.
2. Please read everything on our website under the channel INFO so you understand our rules and limitations.
3. Please read these guidelines every time before submitting a proposal, because our guidelines change frequently.
4. You must reply to all questions from the Program Director, and from any HuMAN advisor, within three days. Failure to respond in three days can disqualify your application and your partnership.
5. We provide $300 grants to promote humanism, self-reliance, mutual aid, and new technology. We rarely fund larger amounts - and then, only to Partners who have demonstrated success with small projects, and they’ve received permission to ask for more.
6. Partners usually receive $300 up to six times in their first year of partnership. The maximum amount they can receive in a year is $1,800.
8. Humanist Mutual Aid Network reserves the right to discontinue partnership at any time. Reasons are usually 1) failure to turn in acceptable proposals, 2) failure to turn in acceptable reports.
9. There is a funding schedule HERE. Only send in a proposal on a month when your group is scheduled.
10. If your humanist group refers us to an entirely different humanist group, in a different town or city, and we accept them as humanist Partners, your group receives an additional $200 in project funding.
11. Humanist Mutual Aid Network pays Partner directors to be advisors/consultants to other Partner directors, if they demonstrate success in a project.
12. Before sending in a proposal, ask if your project is likely to be funded. Even if the Program Director says it is “likely” to be funded, the decision is up to the Selection Team, composed of Board members. Do not assume that you will get funded just because you sent in a proposal.
13. Projects we prefer to fund are listed HERE. We do not fund projects that raise large animals (livestock), use pesticide, or do hair cutting, basket-making, soap-making, beauty salons, or fashion design.
14. Proposals are due between the 2nd-6th of each month. Deadline is on the 6th at 11:00 am Pacific Standard Time. Decisions are made quickly and funds are sent immediately after that.
15. If the program director and Selection Team reject your initial proposal and ask for changes, you get one chance to re-do the proposal. If your second proposal is still unacceptable, you do not get a third chance.
16. Partners who have individual members who have misused HuMAN funds are ineligible.
17. DO NOT send tables or graphs. Write out all details so they can easily be cut-and-pasted.
18. Send application in the body of email. DO NOT send pdf or Word doc or google link. Email to
19. Use US dollars in your budget. Do not send proposals that use pesos, naira, rupees, etc.
20. Send proposals with correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization
21. Send excellent photos - in focus, with correct lighting, with recipients smiling. Applications with the best photos have a huge advantage. See information below on Photos Needed.
22. We need original photos for every proposal.
23. Projects reports are due 50 days after receiving funds.
24. We do not fund ‘middle-men’ i.e., people serving as representatives of others.
Download Form HERE
or use information below
Project Name:
Name of Group:
Members of your group:
Email used by your group:
Phone used by your group:
Website or Facebook page used by your group?
Does your group agree to our mission and agree to follow our values, policies, and principles? Read and acknowledge that your group understands and agrees.
Yes ☐ No ☐
When and why did your group become humanist and what does humanism mean to your group?
Project Description
Budget - $300 maximum (list all items needed and their cost, we do not provide funds for “savings” “sustainability” or miscellaneous." If the cost is inflated, we do not provide funding)
Explain the Benefits to your Community
Explain how to send your group money, using the methods below :
Crypto Wallet
Donate button on your website
Mobile Money Provider (Airtel, MTN, etc)
Bank, Bank Branch name (if there is one) plus Swift Code number (if there is one) or IBAN number + Bank Account Number + your home address, email, and phone number
· 1st photo of your group with the item your group wants, or doing the task your group wants funding for. This photo is for publicity purposes. Your group should send a photo with at least 50% of the members in the photo.
· 2nd photo of your group with sign saying: THANK YOU HuMAN
· 3rd photo of your group with sign says THANK YOU BOB -
DO NOT put both Thank You signs in one photo
· PHOTOS must be in focus, with adequate lighting, and people smiling. Projects with very good photos have a better chance of getting funded. Good photos usually have many people in them.
· The photos should not depict women wearing veils, or people with crosses, or wearing religious t-shirts, or any priests or imans, etc. We only fund non-religious people and the photos must indicate this.