Partner Application

If your group wants to be a Partner of Humanist Mutual Aid Network, please follow the directions below:

1) Email and ask permission to send in an application. Groups that are not given permission to send in an application will not have their applications considered.

2) If you get permission from HuMAN to send in an application, send in the information below. Make sure all the information is in one email.

  • Name of your group

  • Location of your group

  • Email for the group

  • List all Members of the group - their name, age, gender, phone number and email address. At least six must be listed.

  • Each member must include an explanation on Why They Are Humanist.

  • Send in a group photo of all the members, preferably together. If it is difficult to get all members together at the same time, you can send in individual photos of their faces. Explain who the person is in each photo.

  • Explain the purpose of the group, and what projects you are planning.