Critical Thinking in Africa - 15 reports from Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Cameroon (FREE)

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Critical Thinking in Africa - 15 reports from Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Cameroon (FREE)


Brighter Brains Institute (now called Humanist Global Charity) has provided funding for Critical Thinking workshops in Uganda, Nigeria, The Philippines, Cameroon, and Ghana. The CT program was based on an essay by Nigerian humanist Leo Igwe, called “iDOUBT.” This essay was expanded into a 45-page workbook by BBI director Hank Pellissier with assistance from Abdulrahman Aliyu, BBI’s Nigerian representative.

The workshop’s intention is to assist participants in discerning what is true and what is false in their communities. African Traditional Religion, aka “Witchcraft”, remains strong - especially in rural areas - with numerous cultural beliefs that violate human rights (female genital mutilation, albino killing, persecution of widows, etc.) and are destructive to economic success (paying ‘rain makers’, not working on certain days to avoid ocean or farming ‘spirits’). Major religions, of course, also promote harmful deceptions.

Our hope is that Critical Thinking workshops will continue to be provided to African communities, to encourage logic and rationality.

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