Sikkim Humanist Network

Gangtok, Sikkim, India.

Members: Dikshika Gurung - Age 19, Female,; Kerinla Bhutia - Age 20, Female,; Jigdal Gyatso Bhutia - Age 20, Male,

We believe in secularism, critical thinking, and rationalism and aim to create a safe space for everyone no matter what their gender, sexuality or ethnicity. Our goal is to advocate for social justice, human rights and equality and promote education and open-mindedness. We believe every person deserves respect and education. We aim to create more opportunities for the less fortunate in the Himalayas, providing them with support and empowerment.

Dikshika Gurung says, “I am a Humanist because i believe in the world we live in today, there is a big need for skepticism and rationality. Many religions and beliefs promote and encourage hostility towards other people solely because of their sexuality. Humanist values resonate with me because it teaches us to love, respect and empathize with others which i believe are vital for building a better world. 

Kerinla Bhutia says, “As a STEM student, what drew me towards Humanism was the evidence based reasoning which aligns with me. It promotes sustainability and living in harmony with the flora and fauna which i really am drawn to. I believe in the importance of empirical evidence to back up any claim. Humanism encourages us to take care of the world around us, and be mindful of the environment that surrounds us and that’s what i feel truly inspired by.”

Jigdal Gyatso Bhutia says, “Humanism pushes us to think freely and have autonomy over our thoughts and action. It does not impose any rules or regulations over us and promotes diversity in the world. As a humanist, i feel inspired to make the world a better place and make a positive change. Being young myself, i think that the humanist values of individual freedom, compassion, logical thinking resonates with me as i also start my own journey of personal self growth. It makes me aware of my own responsibility as an individual and drives me further to help others in need and be a better human being.”

We believe that our shared enthusiasm for this cause will be very valuable and we can help many others in the Himalayan region.