Cervical Cancer Screening for Women in Takoradi


Cervical Cancer Screening for Women in Takoradi


Cervical Cancer Screening for Women in Takoradi

Takoradi Humanist Women Group

Members:  Gyimah Esther 23years (F), Fenuku Kojo 25 years (F), Bubune Miriam 21year, Danso Aishat 19years (F), Dzifa Samira 24years (F) , Elolo Abina 20years (F), Kplorm Selasi 20 years  (F)

Email: esthergyimah753@gmail.com

Phone: +2338038659821

When and why did your group become humanist?

I (Esther) grew up in a devout Christian family in Ghana, where faith was woven into the fabric of daily life. But as I ventured into the world beyond my community, I found herself questioning the beliefs I had held so dearly. Intrigued by the perspectives of renowned atheists and humanists, I delved into their works with an open mind. Through the writings of thinkers like Richard Dawkins, Bertrand Russell, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, I discovered a profound liberation in their arguments for reason, science, and humanism. Their eloquent critiques of religion's role in society resonated deeply with my own experiences and observations.

With each page turned, I felt the weight of dogma lifting from my shoulders, replaced by a sense of empowerment and intellectual freedom. Embracing humanism and atheism, I found solace in the beauty of the natural world and the boundless potential of humanity, charting my own path with courage and conviction. Humanism for me and my group means that Humanists are accountable to humanity, not to a deity. We give our lives meaning through how we live them. We reject violence as a means to spread beliefs. Humanism respects people, not ideas.

Location - New Takoradi Ghana


  To conduct cervical cancer screening (Pap smears) for 50 women from the humanist and community sectors in Takoradi, Ghana, using a budget of $300. This initiative aims to enhance early detection of cervical cancer and promote awareness about its prevention and treatment.  Cervical cancer is a significant health issue in Ghana, with many women lacking access to affordable screening services. Early detection through Pap smears can dramatically improve prognosis and treatment outcomes. This project seeks to address this gap by providing free screenings to women in the Takoradi area. This initiative represents a crucial step towards improving women's health in Takoradi by providing essential cervical cancer screening services. With a budget of $300, we aim to deliver valuable health services to 50 women, contributing to early detection and prevention of cervical cancer. Your support in funding this project will make a significant difference in the lives of these women and the broader community. 


  1. Preparation and Planning:

    • Identify and engage a qualified medical lab expert who will conduct the Pap smears.

    • Establish a partnership with a reputable local laboratory for testing.

    • Coordinate with community leaders and organizations to select 50 women for screening.

  2. Screening Day:

    • Set up a suitable location in Takoradi for the screening.

    • Ensure all necessary supplies and protective gear are available.

    • Conduct the Pap smears under the supervision of the medical lab expert.

  3. Sample Processing:

    • Transport the collected samples to the laboratory for analysis.

    • Ensure samples are handled and stored correctly to maintain integrity.

  4. Results and Follow-Up:

    • Receive and review the test results from the laboratory.

    • Share the results with the women individually at a later date, providing guidance on next steps if necessary.


  1. Medical Supplies and Equipment: $80

    • Pap Smear Collection Kits (50 units): $50
      These kits include all necessary items for sample collection, including spatulas, brushes, and slides.

    • Protective Gear: $20
      Gloves, masks, and gowns to ensure safety and hygiene during the collection process.

    • Sample Storage Containers: $10
      For transporting samples to the lab.

  2. Laboratory Fees: $180

    • Lab Testing Fees (50 tests): $150
      This covers the cost of processing and analyzing the Pap smear samples. We will partner with a local accredited laboratory to ensure accurate results.

  3. Transportation Costs: $30

    • Transportation for the Medical Expert: $20
      To cover the cost of travel for the medical professional from their base to the community site.

    • Sample Transportation to Lab: $10
      Ensuring safe and timely delivery of samples to the lab.

  4. Administrative Costs: $10

    • Communication and Coordination: $5
      For organizing the event, communicating with participants, and coordinating with the laboratory.

    • Documentation and Reporting: $5
      To cover costs related to documentation of results and distribution of information to the participants.

Total Budget: $300

Explain the Benefits to your Community: 

  • Increased Access: Provide 50 women with access to essential cervical cancer screening services.

  • Early Detection: Enhance early detection of cervical abnormalities, leading to timely intervention and treatment.

  • Awareness: Raise awareness about cervical cancer prevention and the importance of regular screenings within the community.

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