Nigeria: Computer Education Supplies for Tai Solarin Humanist School


Nigeria: Computer Education Supplies for Tai Solarin Humanist School


Computer Education Supplies for Tai-Solarin Humanist School

Group: Tai Solarin Humanist School

Members: Saliu Olumide Saheed, Salahudeen Maimunat, Gabar Ruth, Guba Rahinat, Gabar Christy, Afolabi Zainab


Phone: +2347045382667

When and why did your group become humanist and what does humanism mean to your group?

I became a humanist when I was 20 years old. As a former ex-Muslim and an Islamic-trained preacher, I discovered that Islam has many elements of irrational ideas and thoughts that are based on supposed revelations that promote hatred, classism, war, demonization of freethought, and free inquiry. I then renounce the religion, its God Allah, and Its teachings. As an independent researcher, I discovered humanism through books.   Humanism more than any religious orientation or philosophy has made my life more accessible and beautiful, what more can a man want?

Project Description

Tai-Solarin Humanist School

Located in a community serving underprivileged children, this educational institution is dedicated to fostering critical thinking, humanism, and foundational arithmetic studies among impoverished students. The funds will be allocated towards the purchase of two laptops and a screen projector to enhance the quality of instruction and learning experiences for students attending the Tai-Solarin Humanist School. These tools will serve to modernize the school’s educational infrastructure and enable us to offer a more interactive, engaging, and effective learning environment.  The Tai-Solarin Humanist School was founded with a mission to provide access to quality education for children from low-income families. Our curriculum is grounded in the principles of humanism, promoting an inclusive, rational, and ethical worldview. Additionally, we emphasize critical thinking skills to equip students with the tools to reason, analyze, and make informed decisions, as well as foundational arithmetic skills, which are vital for academic success and real-life problem solving.

The majority of our students come from impoverished backgrounds, and without adequate resources, they lack exposure to technology and the interactive learning tools that are widely available in more affluent educational institutions. Given this context, it becomes imperative that we modernize our teaching methods, making learning more accessible and adaptable to 21st-century skills. However, as a school with limited financial resources, we are currently unable to afford necessary technological tools on our own.

Justification for the Grant:

The laptops and screen projector we are requesting would make a tangible difference in both the teaching methodology and students' learning outcomes. These items are essential in ensuring that our students can benefit from:

1. Interactive Lessons: With the use of a projector, we can present visual aids, multimedia presentations, and live demonstrations to enhance student comprehension, particularly for abstract concepts in both humanism and arithmetic. Interactive content can make critical thinking exercises more engaging and accessible, transforming dry, theoretical lessons into vibrant discussions.

2. Technology Literacy: Laptops will provide students with firsthand experience using modern technology, a critical component in their future academic and professional lives. Familiarity with computers is essential for higher education, employment, and even everyday tasks in an increasingly digital world.

3. Resource Access: The laptops will allow teachers to introduce a wider variety of learning resources, including online platforms, educational videos, and digital textbooks, expanding beyond the limited materials we currently possess. Students will gain access to global knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of humanism and critical thinking on a larger scale.

4. Enhanced Teacher Capability: Our educators will also benefit from these tools. The laptops will allow them to create more dynamic lesson plans, prepare engaging digital materials, and track student progress using software that can analyze areas needing improvement.

5. Community Impact: This investment will not only benefit our current student body but will continue to serve future cohorts, multiplying the impact of your support. By providing technological tools, we are bridging the digital divide in our community and offering impoverished students a fighting chance at a brighter future.

In conclusion, the requested grant of $300 will provide our school with the much-needed resources to enhance the learning experience for students who are at a significant disadvantage due to their socioeconomic backgrounds. This small but crucial investment will have lasting effects on the education of young minds, helping us nurture a generation of critical thinkers, problem solvers, and ethical humanists who will contribute meaningfully to society.

We are confident that with your support, the Tai-Solarin Humanist School will continue to make a difference in the lives of students who need it most. We are deeply grateful for your consideration and hope to partner with you in bringing this vision to fruition.

Budget - $300 maximum (list all items needed and their cost, we do not provide funds for “savings” “sustainability” or miscellaneous." If the cost is inflated, we do not provide funding)

 Laptops (2 units): $120 each = $240

Screen Projector (1 unit): $60

Total: $300

Explain the Benefits to your Community

 Bridging the Digital Divide: The introduction of laptops and a projector will help address the gap in access to technology for students from low-income families. As technology becomes a greater part of everyday life, students equipped with digital literacy skills are better positioned to engage in further education and future employment.

Fostering Critical Thinking in the Community: By teaching humanism and critical thinking, the school contributes to raising individuals who can approach societal challenges with reasoned, ethical, and evidence-based perspectives. This will cultivate a generation of community members who are capable of contributing positively to local decision-making and problem-solving.

Improved Educational Outcomes: Access to modern teaching tools will lead to better educational results for the students. This, in turn, can raise the overall educational standing of the community, potentially attracting more educational resources, attention, and investments to the area.

Increased Employment Opportunities: Students graduating with strong critical thinking and technology skills will be more competitive in the job market. This could reduce unemployment rates and increase the financial stability of families within the community, potentially decreasing poverty levels over time.

Community Empowerment Through Education: As students are exposed to diverse educational materials, ideas, and perspectives, they can bring those insights back to their families and the broader community. This will help to raise awareness of global and social issues, empowering the community to engage in progressive discourse and advocate for improvements in various areas such as social justice, equality, and education.

Sustainable Impact on Future Generations: The benefits of this project will extend beyond the current students, as the laptops and projector will be used by future cohorts. This ensures long-term, sustainable improvements in the quality of education within the community, enabling successive generations to benefit.

Creating Role Models: Students who successfully engage with the curriculum and technology may become role models within the community, inspiring others, including younger children, to pursue education and adopt critical thinking as a tool for personal and community growth.

Attracting External Resources and Partnerships: By improving the school’s infrastructure and educational standards, the project could make the school more attractive to additional donors, government agencies, or NGOs, potentially leading to further investments in education and development projects in the host community.

Strengthening Social Cohesion: A school that provides students with the tools to think critically and act ethically fosters a sense of unity and responsibility in the community. The values taught at the school, including humanism, encourage collaboration, empathy, and understanding, strengthening the social fabric of the host community.

Enhanced Local Pride: As the school’s reputation grows due to improved educational outcomes and the use of modern technology, the community’s pride in its local institutions will also increase, boosting morale and community spirit. This pride can foster further investments in local development and education.

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